Here’s everything you need to help you grow your own fruit trees and enjoy year after year of bumper harvests. Long-lived and low maintenance, fruit trees can be planted in regular-sized gardens or grown in orchards. Dwarf varieties can even be planted in containers, and will lend an exotic feel to your patio. Read our excellent rootstock guide before you shop to find out how to keep the height of your mature tree in check.
If you want to try something a bit unusual, check out our range of citrus trees and grow lemons, limes, and oranges for their deeply scented blossom and zesty fruits! A fig tree offers a mediterranean vibe while traditional apple & pear trees will fill your larder with fruits for eating, baking, or making jams and preserves throughout the autumn months.
Find out how to plant and prune your own fruit trees. Whether bare root or potted saplings - here’s a quick guide about how and where to plant your new fruit trees.
We've searched the internet to bring together the best lemon articles, how-to videos and Instagram posts to help you successfully grow these tasty citrus fruits.
It's possible to grow lemons and other citrus trees in the UK. With helpful planting, watering and variety advice, Annelise Brilli's in-depth guide is packed with advice for growing your own citrus.
Many people assume you need a heated greenhouse to grow exotic fruit in the UK, but here are 8 interesting fruits that will grow outdoors in our temperate climate.
Did you know that pear rust fungus travels via juniper trees? Find out how to diagnose, treat, and prevent infections in your pear trees here.
A cherry blackfly infestation is easy to spot! Follow these simple steps to treat and prevent any future attacks by this sap sucking pest.
From growing apple trees in containers in pots to deterring pests, our favourite independent bloggers share their tried-and-tested apple tree growing wisdom here. Check it out!
Know your rootstock when buying fruit trees or you could end up with a very large surprise! Did you know the rootstock controls the vigour of your tree too? Read more here.
Whether you prefer heritage pear varieties or a modern hybrid, follow advice from these expert growers for a juicy crop of homegrown pears.
This common garden pest causes misshapen fruit on your plum trees. They also attack damsons and gages too. Learn all you need to deal with them here.
If you’re not sure how to prune your apple trees to keep them healthy and in check, use this easy guide to pruning trained, pot grown, and free-standing trees.
Even if you only have a tiny outdoor space, you can grow your own fresh cherries, pears, and so much more. Find tips, tricks and variety advice in this excellent guide.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to prune your patio fruit trees for bigger crops and better health.
Cherry trees are especially ornamental, and they produce a delicious crop if you protect them from birds. Here are some top tips to help you grow cherries.
Browse our large collection of bare root fruit trees where you’ll find hardy apples and pears as well as unusual varieties like medlars, quince, ribes, nut trees and more...
Find our selection of dwarf fruit trees here! Ideal for the patio or balcony gardener, these trees look fantastic, produce delicious fruit and remain compact.
Here you’ll find our complete range of fruit trees. Browse traditional favourites, stone fruit, and exotics. Or for a fun new flavour, take a look at our cultivars and hybrid crosses.
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