Growing Chillies and sweet peppers: guides, tips and advice

Here’s everything you need to sow and grow a vibrant selection of chilli and sweet pepper plants. Check out our blog post ‘some like it hot’ to see which chillies make the best Thai curries and spicy pickles. And if you’ve already got a glut of fiery pods, see our recipe for classic sweet chilli sauce - ideal as an extra special homemade gift.

When you’re ready to start sowing, choose from our wide range of chilli and sweet pepper seeds. All you need is a warm and sunny windowsill to get them started! Or, for instant success, treat yourself to some strong and healthy chilli and sweet pepper plants grown on by our professional team in optimum conditions.

This guide explains how to sow your chilli seeds for the best possible results. Watch the clear step-by-step video to see exactly how it’s all done.

Here's a great collection of expert content to help you grow your own chillies & sweet peppers. Learn how to start your chilli plants on a sunny window, or in a garden border & discover top tips for caring and harvesting your crop.

This guide tells you exactly how to pot on your young chillies. Top tip - use a special seed tray so your seedlings produce a root ball that’s easy to handle when the time comes.

Glut of unripened tomatoes? Pair them with your spicy home grown chillies to make this delicious chutney. Perfect for jazzing up a cheese board!

Brothers William and Harrison were inspired to grow their own chillies after a spicy trip to Peru! Here are their favourite varieties, successfully raised from seed in the UK.

Chilli lover Kris Collins got his local gardening club involved in a chilli-growing challenge. Find out which plant thrived and which produced the most fruits.

Find out which varieties are best for making jam, pickles, Thai curries, stuffed peppers and baking whole. Have you heard of a tree chilli? Think 15 years of repeat crops!

Use these four simple tips to increase the heat of your chilli pods! This is useful if your plant is producing fruit that comes in at the bottom end of the Scoville rating.

It’s easy to make your own sweet chilli dipping sauce. This is the perfect recipe to use up a glut of chillies and impress your friends and family.

The size of your pot can really affect the vigour of your chillies. See the difference between two plants that were sown on the same day in this fascinating potting on post.

Choose your chilli and sweet pepper seeds here. Browse a variety of sizes, shapes and colours from the world's hottest chilli to the mildest bell peppers.

See all our chilli and sweet pepper plants here. Choose grafted varieties or go for something unusual like ’Hot Lemon’ for citrus heat or ‘Tequila’ for sweet purple fruit.

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