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Wildflower seeds guide

Wildflower seeds are so delicate and evocative in the garden. They’re surprisingly easy to grow if you give them the right conditions to germinate. A pre-mixed packet of seed can give you lovely variety in colour and form whereas a single flush of poppies is a sight to behold.

How to pick the right wildflower seeds for your garden

What lovely wildlife do you want to attract? Common knapweed is loved by butterflies whilst the seeds of tufted vetch and teasel are a popular snack for birds. You can also choose your seed based on colour. If you want to only grow native flowers, it’s a good idea to research which varieties are right for your area.

What are the quickest wildflower seeds to flower?

Annual wildflower seeds are often the quickest to reach flowering after sowing. Popular annual wildflowers include the iconic bright red field poppy which flowers a few months after sowing in March or April.

Which wildflower seeds are best for sowing in grass?

Choose native wildflower seeds and sow into mowed and aerated grass, so that the seeds have a chance to compete and grow. Many wildflower seeds are suitable for naturalising in grass including ladies bedstraw, meadow mixes and wild marjoram. Remember to only sow your wildflower seeds in your garden.

Best wildflower seeds for bees

Nectar rich options are best for bees like the pretty blue biennial vipers bugloss. This little plant grows well on sandy and chalky soils. Or, for ease of choice, choose a bee wildflower mix designed specifically to attract solitary bees, honey bees and bumblebees.

Best wildflower seeds for pots

Ox eye daisies work very well spilling out of pots. The statuesque daisy flowers are a welcome sight on the patio or flanking an entrance. Edible wildflowers make great pot plants. Sow salad burnet and wild marjoram for an unusual addition to salads within easy reach.

How do wildflower seed bombs work?

Wildflower seed bombs are clever. They contain everything the seed needs to germinate bar water, often with a touch of chilli powder to deter slugs and snails. Roll or chuck these little flower bombs into fertile soil and water to enjoy little explosions of colour as the seeds grow and bloom in summer.

Sowing wildflower seeds

Sow an annual wildflower seed mix for a super bright and bold display. They’ll burst into flower the same year as sowing and appreciate a rich fertile soil. If you want to establish a perennial wildflower meadow then less fertile soil is better in the long run. Find out how to make a meadow in our wildflower growing guide.

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