Introducing peat-free compost: incredicoir

Introducing peat-free compost: incredicoir

Introducing peat-free compost: incredicoir

Introducing incredicoir - Thompson & Morgan's peat-free compost from the Incredirange. Sustainably sourced, this expandable compost block is 100% peat free and makes up to the equivalant of 10 litres of compost.

Sue Sanderson T&M horticulturalist

Written by: Sue Sanderson

Plants and gardens have always been a big part of my life. I can remember helping my Dad to prick out seedlings, even before I could see over the top of the potting bench. As an adult, I trained at Writtle College where I received my degree, BSc. (Hons) Horticulture. After working in a specialist plantsman's nursery, and later, as a consulting arboriculturalist, I joined Thompson & Morgan in 2008. Initially looking after the grounds and coordinating the plant trials, I now support the web team offering horticultural advice online.

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