If you are struggling to redeem your voucher code and claim your Free English Apple Tree please ensure that you have followed these steps:
1. Once you have entered the 3 codes from your Copella juice cartons into the Copella website you will receive a confirmation email from Copella with your unqiue Thompson & Morgan voucher code.
2. Follow the link on your email which will bring you to the Thompson & Morgan website.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions which will take you to the Free English Apple Tree product page. Add the apple tree to your basket.
4. Now go to your shopping basket and enter your unique voucher code into the box at the bottom of your basket that says "Enter Voucher code to apply to order". Click "Apply".
5. You should now see that the RRP of your apple tree has been deducted from your subtotal and you have been left with P&P; left to pay (£4.95).
6. To complete your order simply click "Checkout" and follow the on-screen instructions to enter your delivery details and card details.
7. If, after following these steps you are still experiencing problems, please contact our customer service team.
If you find that there is additional P&P; being charged in your shopping basket there are two main causes:
1. You have added other products into your shopping basket - If you have added some products from the rest of the Thompson & Morgan website into your basket then additional P&P will be charged.
2. You have not selected the 'Copella' English Apple Tree - To ensure that you receive your Free English Apple Tree you must follow the link from your Copella confirmation email and then follow the on-screen instructions until you get to the Copella Apple Tree product on the Thompson & Morgan website. If you have searched for your Apple Tree using the search bar at the top of the Thompson & Morgan website you will not find the right product. If you're not sure whether you have found the right product or not, simply check whether there is a 'Copella' logo on the product page!
Your voucher code is only valid for single use and you can only use one voucher per order. Therefore, if you have any other Thompson & Morgan vouchers you will need to place multiple orders.
Also, ensure that you entering the voucher code into the box exactly as it appears in your confirmation email from Copella. Try to 'copy' the code from the confirmation email from Copella and then 'paste' into the box at the bottom of the Thompson & Morgan shopping basket to ensure the code is correct.
Simply plant up your tree as soon as possible after receipt. It is very important not to let the roots dry out, therefore the tree will benefit from being placed in a bucket of water for 3-6 hours prior to planting. For more information on how to plant and care for your English Apple Tree click here.
Your tree will arrive as a bareroot plant. The roots with have little or no soil on them and the branches will have no leaves, this is completely normal. For more information on how to plant and care for your English Apple Tree click here.
All trees will be despatched by the end of November 2011. However, if you would like more information on when your tree will be delivered please contact our customer service team.
If you are are dissatisfied with the quality of your tree we will happily replace the tree if you inform us within 14 days of delivery. Click here to find out how to contact our customer service team
If you have any further queries with regards to your Free English Apple Tree, please click here to contact our customer service team.
© 2025 Thompson & Morgan. All rights reserved. A division of Branded Garden Products Limited.
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